Monday, July 7, 2008

Thing #18

Facebook is the account that I chose to register on. My students ask me all the time if I have a my space account and I say no. I logged on to myspace several years ago to check up on my own kids sites. MySpace is really good if you have a band and want people to listen to your music, which my sons have a band. I know their are a few bands or people who got signed to a contract because of MySpace. There is also a 17 year old girl that began really wealthy because she designed a website to decorate myspace accounts. Also, every celebrity or music group has a MySpace page. It has more flexibility and creativity but also is not as private. I set up a facebook account and I had the hardest time locating friends. It is more difficult to find people on facebook than myspace. I think the MySpace is for the younger crowd and the facebook is probably for older. It used to be only for college students. I think that it is important that educators know how social networking works and it helps you to understand what the students are used to and like to do. I know that colleges talk to incoming Freshman about being careful what you put on your facebook and myspace page. They told them that employers are looking at their pages to find out what that person is really like. I also have a teacher friend that has a myspace account so that his students can contact him. I think both sites had useful features and I am not sure which I liked best. I dont know if I see a library or school application for any of these sites but they use technology and learn how to use technology by using these sites.

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